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ELAFLEX Catalogue
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Single Catalogue Pages
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Products / Catalogue
Update: 3.2024
Spare Part Overview E 20
Spares and tools for nozzles, background information.
( PDF download without prices.
Printed copy with prices can be ordered. )
Update: 6.2020
Section 1
Tanker, Aviation, Chemical, Dispenser + Speciality Hoses
Update: 1.2024
Hydrogen & Ammonia Handling, Carbon Capture – News 2024
Update: 10.2024
Doing Business with a Sustainable Mindset
The ELAFLEX Approach to Sustainability
Update: 5.2022
ELAFLEX Refuelling Technology
Nozzles · Hoses · Couplings · Accessoires
Update: 5.2024
MannTek DDC – Design 2.0
MannTek DDC Design 2.0 –
A New State Of The Art Dry Disconnect Coupling
Update: 5.2024
MannTek DGC – Design 2.0
MannTek DGC Design 2.0 –
A New State Of The Art Dry Gas Coupling
Update: 5.2024
Environmental Safety right out of the Box
Update: 5.2024
Product Information
The ELAFLEX LNG Refuelling System
Refuelling Equipment for Trucks & Buses
Update: 3.2022
Product Information from ELAFLEX and MannTek
Marine Liquid & Gas Handling Equipment
Update: 8.2024
Marine Liquid & Gas Handling Equipment
Equipamiento para Manipulación Marítima de Líquidos & Gases
Update: 3.2021
Marine Liquid & Gas Handling Equipment
Equipamento para Manipulação Marítima de Líquidos e Gases
Update: 3.2021
Soluzioni standard e personalizzabili per ogni tipo di applicazione
Update: 3.2020
Fabriqués Sur-Mesure, pour dépots, terminaux et camions-citernes
Update: 3.2020
Hechos a medida, para Terminales y Camiones Cisterna
Update: 3.2020
Feito sob medida, para terminais e caminhões-tanque
Update: 3.2020
MannTek Dry Evotek Couplings 'DEC'
for the chemical industry
Update: 8.2017
Bunkering and Cargo Hoses
Mangueras ELAFLEX para Bunkering. Calidad y durabilidad comprobadas
Update: 6.2017
Vapour Recovery
An introduction to active vapour recovery Stage II at petrol stations
Update: 1.2010
Update: 9.2022
Update: 9.2022
Update: 9.2022
Information 5.24 E
ZVA Slimline 2 GR – Vapour Recovery Spout ER 130 H
Update: 11.2024
Information 2.24 E, Rev. 01/25
CNG Twin or Single Hose Assemblies
(1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”)
Update: 1.2025
Information 4.23
Fast Fill H2 Hydrogen Components for Trailer and Mobile Pressure Vessels
Update: 11.2023
Information 2.23
ELAFLEX Products for LPG, DME and DME Blends
Update: 6.2023
Information 1.23
ZV SW Nozzle – For refilling of screen water from a dispenser
Update: 1.2023
Information 8.22
Adaption of ZVA Adblue Nozzle Connections SSB 16 SS + EA 075 A
Update: 9.2022
Information 6.22
Nozzle with
'Composite Body'
Technical Modification
Update: 7.2023
Information 1.22 E
ZVA Slimline 2 GRV-FA Vapour Recovery Nozzle
with fully integrated 'ON / OFF' vapour valve
Update: 9.2022
Information 2.22 E
ZVA Slimline 2 GRV-WT Vapour Recovery Nozzle
with fully integrated 'ON / OFF' vapour valve
Update: 3.2022
Information 9.21
VHD WearAdvice®
Aircraft Refuelling Hose with Coloured Wear Indicator
Update: 10.2021
Information 9.21 ES-PT
VHD WearAdvice®
Manguera de Abastecimiento de Combustible para
Aeronaves con Indicador de Desgaste
Update: 10.2021
Information 6.21
'BD' Hose Beads to EI 1522
for Aircraft Refuelling Hoses
Update: 11.2022
Information 5.21 E
Hose Trolley 'HTR-AF'
for operations on airfields
Update: 10.2021
Information 5.21 ES
Carro Portamanguera 'HTR-AF' para operaciones en aerodromos
Update: 10.2021
Information 5.21 PT
Carrinho de Mangueira 'HTR-AF' para operações de aeródromos
Update: 10.2021
Information 3.21 E
ZVA Slimline 2 GR - Differences of Vapour Valves
Update: 9.2022
Information 1.21 ES
Carrito para Manguera 'HTR-T'
para Operaciones en Terminales
Update: 4.2021
Information 1.21 PT
Carrinho de Mangueira 'HTR-T'
para Operações de Terminal
Update: 4.2021
ELAFLEX Information 5.20 FR
Couples de serrage pour les raccords filetés des équipements de la station-service
Update: 1.2021
ELAFLEX Information 5.20
Tightening torques for thread connections of petrol station equipment
Update: 8.2021
Information 1.20
H2 Cover Hose
'CH-H2 38' for hydrogen refuelling
Update: 2.2023
HR Information 07 E
Hose Reels
'Compact Line VR'
with automatic springloaded rewind system, equipped with a COAX hose and ZVA Slimline 2 GR nozzle
Update: 12.2020
HR Information 06 E
Hose Reels
'Modular Line M'
manual or motorised, used for retraction of Elaflex hoses
up to 50 m in max. DN 25
Update: 12.2020
HR Information 05 E
Hose Reels 'Modular Line
G and GB 25 / 38'
manual or motorised, used for retraction of Elaflex hoses
up to 40 m in max. DN 38 or 70 m in max. DN 25
Update: 12.2020
HR Information 04 E
Hose Reels
'Compact Line B'
with automatic springloaded rewind system, used for retraction of
Elaflex hoses up to 20 m in max. DN 25
Update: 10.2020
HR Information 03 E
Hose Reels
'Compact Line T'
with automatic springloaded rewind system, used for retraction of
Elaflex hoses up to 8 m in max. DN 25
Update: 10.2020
HR Information 02 E
Hose Reels
'Compact Line HD 50'
with automatic spring-loaded rewind system, used for retraction of
Elaflex hoses up to 25 m in max DN 50
Update: 10.2020
HR Information 01 E
Hose Reels
'Compact Line HD 25'
with automatic spring-loaded rewind system, used for retraction of
Elaflex hoses up to 25 m in max DN 50
Update: 10.2020
Information 2.20 E
Optional Custom Scuffguard 'CSG' for ZVA Slimline 2 Nozzles
Update: 6.2021
Information 3.20
Swivels and Safety Swivel Breaks:
Type 'ERS' for
ZVA Slimline 2
Update: 4.2020
Information 9.19 PT_ES
Breakaways de fechamento duplo 'DC'
(Breakaways de doble cierre)
SSB 16 DC, SSB 25 DC, CSB 21 DC
Update: 4.2024
Information 9.19
Double Closing Safety Breaks 'DC'
SSB 16 DC, SSB 25 DC, CSB 21 DC
Update: 4.2024
Information 8.19
Dry Hose Delivery Nozzles ZL, Stainless Steel
Update: 12.2019
Information 11.18 E
ERV Rubber Expansion Joints : Attention – Lookalike Products
Update: 9.2018
Information 10.18 E
Composite Hose Assemblies for Cross-Over Prevention Systems (COP)
Update: 9.2018
Information 8.18 ES-PT
Noticias de Aplicaciones Marinas Novidades para Aplicações Marítimas
Update: 8.2018
Information 6.18
ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR: New Latch EF 033.2
Update: 5.2018
Information 5.18 E
High Temperature Types ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR
Update: 9.2022
Information 2.18
Camlock Couplings to EN 14420-7:
EASYLOC® version–
Cam Locking Couplers with automatic Lever Lock
Update: 8.2021
Information 9.17
ZVA Slimline 2 TLP
mit Drei-Stufen-Aufrastung
with Three Latch Position
Update: 2.2020
Information 9.17 ES-EN
ZVA Slimline 2 TLP
with 'Three Latch Positions'
Trinquete del gatillo con tres posiciones
Update: 2.2020
Information 4.17 E
Fuel Grade Identification to EN 16942 for ZVG 2 Nozzles
Update: 3.2018
Information 3.17 E
Fuel Grade Identification to EN 16942 for ZVA Nozzles: 'EK FGI'
Update: 5.2017
Information 2.17 E
Equipment Trucks for Dangerous Goods Incidents: Hoses and Couplings to DIN 14555-12
Update: 2.2017
Information 15.16
Marine Bunkering and Cargo Hoses
Update: 9.2016
Information 14.16 ES
Mangueras de Carga y Abastecimiento Marítimo de Combustible
Update: 9.2016
Information 14.16 PT
Mangueiras para Aplicações de Bunkering, Carga e Descarga de Combustíveis
Update: 9.2016
Information 13.16 E
Rubber Expansion Joints Type ERV-D
DN 200 - 4200, single or multi-sphere bellows
Update: 9.2016
Information 12.16
DDC Dust Caps with Pressure Relief Valve
to ADR Requirements for Road Tankers. Type: DDC-K ... Al ADR
Update: 9.2016
Information 11.16
Camlock Couplings to EN 14420-7:
Best Standard
Update: 9.2016
Information 9.16
Filling of Heating Oil Tanks: New Adapter KR 50-21/2
Update: 1.2017
Information 7.16
ZVA Slimline 2 / GR
New Lever Assembly EA 030.1
Update: 4.2018
Information 5.16
Lightweight Gravity Discharge Road Tanker Hose Type 'LG'
Update: 5.2019
Information 12.15
Sulphur-Free Petrol Pump Hoses: Type Slimline 'SL SF'
Update: 7.2020
Information 10.15
Nozzle Boots for ZVF 50
- Type NB-ZVF 50
- Type NB-ZVF 50 SR
Update: 8.2024
Information 9.15
Impact of Fuel Grade Changes on Hanging Hardware of Dispensers
Update: 4.2024
Information 5.15
New Shape for Stainless Steel Hose Tails
Hose Assemblies for the Chemical Industry.
Update: 5.2015
Information 2.15 ES
Equipos para combustible en aviación
Update: 7.2015
Information 2.15 PT
Equipamentos de abastecimento de aeronaves
Update: 7.2015
Information 5.14 E
ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR: Unified Valve Assembly EA 055
Update: 8.2020
Information 4.14 E
Low Temperature Types
ZVA Nozzles, Swivels and Safety Breaks
Update: 11.2019
Information 2.14
Nozzle Boots for LPG Nozzles
Nozzle Boots NB-ZVG and NB-GG for Autogas Dispensers
Update: 7.2020
Information 1.14 E
AdBlue Nozzle for Light Vehicles
ZVA AdBlue LV Prototype
Update: 2.2014
Information 6.13
Pump Safety Break PSB 16
Part Number Breakdown
Update: 6.2014
Information 4.13
Refuelling Equipment for Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPG (GPL), Propane, Butane, Autogas
Update: 8.2021
Information 4.13 ES
Equipos de suministro de gas licuado de petróleo (GLP)
propano, butano, autogas
Update: 11.2013
Information 4.13 PT
Equipamentos de fornecimento de gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP)
Propane, Butane, Autogas
Update: 4.2015
Information 3.13 E
ELAPHARM hose assemblies
for Biotech and pharmaceutical industry
Update: 5.2024
Information 2.13 E
Refuelling Equipment for Urea Solution
AdBlue (DEF, ARLA32, AUS32)
Update: 6.2016
Information 2.13 ES
Equipos de Suministro de Solución de Urea AdBlue®
Update: 4.2013
Information 2.13 PT
Equipamento de reabastecimento para solução de uréia ARLA 32
(DEF, ARLA32, AUS32)
Update: 4.2013
Information 4.12
TW Couplings with Isolation
for QSS and ASS Systems
Update: 7.2015
Information 3.12
State of the Art Truck Refuelling
Update: 9.2012
Information 9.11
Dust Plugs Type VB ... ADR
with Pressure Relief Valve
Update: 1.2016
Information 8.11 E
ZVA Slimline 2 GRVP-WT
Vapour Recovery Nozzle
Special Type for Wet Test Only
Update: 4.2019
Information 7.11 E
EN12115 Standard for Chemical Hoses
New Specifications about Electrical Conductivity
Update: 10.2012
Information 2.11 E
TW Couplings: Use the coupling lock lever - safety!
Update: 1.2016
Information 3.10
Storz Safety Coupling SHK
for dry bulk road tankers / dry bulk railcars
Update: 2.2014
Information 2.10 E
Product Badges EK 145 for ZVA
Elaflex print from 50 pcs. / BadgeSelector / BadgeCreator
Update: 11.2020
Information 9.08 E
ZVA Slimline 2 GRV
Vapour Recovery Nozzle with On/Off Vapour Valve
Update: 9.2008
Information 8.08
ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR
Markings of the Nozzle Body
Update: 9.2010
Information 6.10E
Slogan Badges EK 145 Comparison: Stickers vs. Original Printed Badges
Update: 9.2010
Information 7.08
ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR
Update: 8.2008
Information 6.08
Clean Diesel Refuelling
with ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline
Update: 3.2020
Information 5.08 E
ZVA Slimline 2 GRVP
Vapour Recovery Nozzle with Regulating Valve (Proportional Valve)
Update: 8.2021
Information 4.08
ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR
Part Number Breakdown
Update: 3.2018
Information 3.08
ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR
Pressure Controlled Safety Shut-Off 'DSA'
Update: 7.2008
Information 2.08 E
'FLUORFLEX 2' PTFE/EPDM Universal helical hose
Update: 10.2023
Information 8.07
Automatic Nozzle, free of non-ferrous metals - for JET A-1 and Avgas
Update: 9.2007
Information 7.07
Tin Plated Hose Fittings
for Aircraft Refuelling
Update: 9.2007
Information 6.07 E
Right Angle Check Valve Type RVE
with adjustable anti-siphon protection / with pressure relief
Update: 3.2008
Information 5.07
ERV Rubber Expansion Joints
Use with Biodiesel or Vegetable Oil
Update: 7.2007
Information 2.07
EL 800 Earthing Strap
For the dissipation of electrostatic discharging between a vehicle and the ground.
Update: 1.2007
Information 1.07
New COAX NR Swivel - Nozzle Side
Hints and Spare Part Numbers
Update: 1.2007
Information 4.05
Grade Change from Petrol to Diesel
Important Hints
Update: 10.2006
Information 9.06 E
ELAFLEX Tankstellentechnik (ETT)
Recent Changes and Improvements
Update: 9.2006
Information 8.06
Vapour Recovery Hose GPS
Road Tanker Hose for balanced vapour recovery Stage 1B
Update: 2.2022
Information 3.06
Automatic Nozzle ZVA 25 GR
Active vapour recovery for solvents
Update: 12.2021
FLUORline hose DN 16 - 21
New product, presented at the Achema 2006 exhibition
Update: 5.2006
Information 8.05
Biodiesel-Mix-Vegetable Oils
Hints for the right choice of the refuelling equipment
Update: 11.2005
Information 6.05 ES
Características de las Mangueras para Abastecimiento de Combustible de alta calidad
Update: 6.2005
Information 6.05 E
Characteristics of Quality Aircraft Refuelling Hoses
Update: 9.2005
Information 4.04
Refuelling with AdBlue (Urea Solution)
for trucks and buses
Update: 6.2005
Information 3.05
Pump Safety Break PSB
The real alternative for high hose dispensers
Update: 5.2005
Information 2.05
TW Couplings of Brass
Quality Comparison - Hot Stamped or Cast
Update: 2.2005
Information 1.05 E
Hoses and Fittings Department (SAT)
Changes and Improvements
Update: 2.2005
Information 5.04
ARK 19
The better safety break for LPgas...
Update: 9.2004
Information 2.04
Lilac Band Chemical Hose
Improved Flexibility
Update: 5.2004
Information 11.03
Vapour Recovery Couplings for Road Tankers
European Standard for Gantry Side Loading
Update: 11.2003
Information 10.03
Ozone and Refuelling Hoses
Protection of the Tube
Update: 10.2003
Information 4.03
LPG 16
Standard Hose for L.P. Gas Dispensers
Update: 9.2003
Information 3.03
ZVA Copies from China
Counterfeit ZVA Slimline Nozzles
Update: 2.2003
Information 3.03
Copie Slimline della China
Repliques Slimline de la China
Update: 2.2003
Information 5.02
CS 16
Short Colour Sleeve of Polyurethane for Hoses DN 16
Update: 9.2002
Information 4.02
"Vapour Spout 92"
of stainless steel for ZVA 200 GR
Update: 4.2002
Information 3.00
Comparison of Safety Breaks
Which type is the appropriate one?
Update: 8.2000
Information 1.00 E
NEON Colour Coding
for YELLOW BAND Aviation Hoses
Update: 3.2000
Information 5.95 E
Vapour Recovery Nozzle with proportional reg. valve GVP
Update: 6.2002
Fill Valve FV 100 Series
Manual FV103-INS-05
Fill Valve FV 100 Series
Update: 6.2024
Light Duty Fill Valve and Transit Nozzle FV 103
Instruction Manual FV103-INS-06
Light Duty Fill Valve and Transit Nozzle FV 103
Update: 6.2024
Installation and Operating Manual
N-CNG P30/P36 – nozzle for CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) refuelling of vehicles, equipped with receptacles according to NGV1 or ISO 14469.
Update: 6.2024
Installation and Operation Manual
Nozzle for Screen Water Dispensing
Update: 1.2023
Installation and Operation Manual
N-LNG Nozzle
for refuelling of trucks
Update: 1.2025
Installation and Operation Manual
VC-LNG Vent Coupling
for overpressure regulations in LNG tanks of trucks
Update: 3.2022
Installation and Operation Manual
LNG Fill and Vent Lines
Corrugated metal refuelling hose assemblies LNG 13 and LNG 25
Update: 3.2022
Installation and Operation Manual
Dispenser Safety Break
Reusable Breakaway Coupling for the LNG refuelling of heavy vehicles (trucks)
Update: 3.2022
Installation and Operating Manual
Reusable Breakaway Coupling for CNG Passenger Cars Service Stations
Update: 1.2022
Installation and Operating Manual
Raccord cassant réutilisable pour remplissage des voitures en station-service
Update: 3.2023
Installation and Operating Manual
Reusable Pump Safety Break with integrated Sight Glass
Update: 1.2023
Installation Manual
EK 098 ( Adaptador TLP ) f. ZVA Slimline 2
Reequipamiento / Montaje
Update: 3.2020
Installation Manual
EK 098 ( Adaptador TLP ) f. ZVA Slimline 2
Adaptación / Montaje
Update: 3.2020
Installation Manual
EK 098 (TLP Adapter) for ZVA Slimline 2
Retrofitting / Assembly
Update: 2.2020
Installation and Operating Manual
Safety Swivel Break for AdBlue Urea Solution / Diesel Exhaust Fluid DEF
Update: 2.2025
Installation Manual
Assembling of EA 866 – Scuffguard for ZVG 2
Update: 3.2020
Installation and Operating Manual
ZVA AdBlue LV /
ZVA AdBlue LV Composite Body
Update: 3.2025
Assembling / Dissassembling Guideline
ZVA 2 Scuffguard / Product Sleeve
Update: 8.2015
Assembly Guide
Lip Seal Types
for ZVA Slimline and ZVA Slimline 2 Swivels
Update: 3.2015
Installation and Operating Manual
ZVA Slimline 2
Update: 1.2022
Installation and Operating Manual
ZVA Slimline (old)
Type has been replaced by ZVA Slimline 2
Update: 11.2019
Installation and Operating Manual
ZVA AdBlue HV /
ZVA AdBlue HV Composite Body
Update: 7.2023
Installation and Operating Manual
w/o Misfilling Prevention
ZVA AdBlue HV Composite Body without Misfilling Prevention
Update: 2.2024
Installation and Operating Manual
ZVA Slimline 2 GR
Update: 4.2023
Installation and Operating Manual
ZVA 200 GR (old)
Type has been replaced by ZVA Slimline 2 GR
Update: 1.2005
Installation and Operating Manual
ZVA 25
Update: 3.2023
Installation and Operating Manual
ZVA 32
Update: 7.2023
Installation and Operating Manual
(NR = non reusable)
Update: 4.2023
Installation and Operating Manual
Safety Break for AdBlue Urea Solution / Diesel Exhaust Fluid DEF
Update: 9.2022
Installation and Operating Manual
ESB 16
(Production discontinued – 9.2017)
Update: 11.2016
Installation and Operating Manual
Update: 4.2020
Installation and Operating Manual
(NR = non reusable)
Update: 7.2023
Installation and Operating Manual
(NR = non-reusable)
Update: 3.2022
Installation Guide
Unified Valve Assembly EA 055
for ZVA Slimline 2 / ZVA Slimline 2 GR
Installation and Operating Manual
DSA Retrofitting for ZVA Slimline 2 / 2 GR
Update: 8.2021
Reassembly Guide
ELAFLEX Tools for the Removal of O-Rings
'ELAPICK' Giveaway
Assembly Guide
FLUORFLEX 2 Couplings
without / with Anti-Kinking Spiral KSS
Installation and Operating Manual
Dry Disconnect Coupling DDC, DGC, DAC
EC Declaration of Conformity in acc. to ATEX and PED
Important Information
Installation and Operating Manual
Cryogenic Break-Away Couplings CBC
Update: 2.2014
Installation Guide
Fittings for "M"-Hoses
Connection of Metallic Parts. Only relevant for hose types EFD/EFS, STS, LBD/LBS, FEP, Chemopal.
Operating Instructions
ELAFLEX Hose Assemblies and Rubber Expansion Joints
Hints for assembly, use, storage, service, maintenance and inspection.
Update: 12.2016
Manufacturer Declaration EH RoHS
European Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS-2) and Supplement 2015/863/EU (RoHS-3)
Update: 3.2024
Manufacturer Declaration EH REACH regulation
European REACH Regulation 1907/2006/EC (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation
and Restriction of Chemicals)
Update: 3.2024
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
ZVA Slimline 2
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
ZVA Slimline 2 GR
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
ZVA Slimline
(Prod. until 1.2009)
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
ZVA 200 GR
(Prod. until 1.2009)
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
ZVA 25 + ZVA 25 AF
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
ZVA 32
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster Spare Parts ZVG 2
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Workshop Poster
Spare Parts
plastic coated, with suspension eye,
size 42 x 62 cm
Update: 6.2020
Poster 'Safe Operation of Hose Assemblies'
created by VTH, 2017.
Photo Inkjet Papier
Size: 420 x 594 mm
Update: 9.2017
Poster ELAPHARM Hose Couplings
Photo Inkjet Paper
Size 591 x 841 mm
Update: 5.2018