MannTek Dry Disconnect Couplings
MannTek as member of the ELAFLEX group is a coupling manufacturer who produces and markets products for safe and environmentally friendly handling of aggressive fluids for the chemical and petrochemical industries, since 1994.
Mann Teknik AB is situated in Mariestad, Sweden. The main product is the Dry Disconnect Couplings to STANAG 3756, for spill-free liquid handling.
The product range includes:

Dry Disconnect Couplings "DDC" are the given choice for handling any liquid, chemicals, gas etc.

Dry Aviation Couplings "DAC" are specially designed for handling aviation fuel and can be found at any point in the aviation fuel logistics loop.

Dry Gas Couplings "DGC" are a further development from the Dry Disconnect Couplings, specially designed to handle LPG.

Full Flow Ballvalves "FFBV" are available in two types, one-way (one inlet, one outlet) or two-way (one inlet and two outlet) in sizes 2" to 4".

Swivels "SJ" are used to allow free rotation movement between hoses, nozzles, pipes etc. and are available in sizes from 3/4" to 10".

Safety Break-away couplings "SBC" are used to prevent pull away accidents.

Dry Cryogenic Couplings "DCC" are designed for use of e.g. LNG and Nitrogen and other liquefied gases.

Cryogenic Break-away couplings "CBC" are used in cryogenic applications for safe handling of liquefied gases such as LNG.

Dry Evotek Couplings "DEC" is specially made for use in the chemical industry.
Product configurator:
Official website: