Legal Notes

ELAFLEX HIBY GmbH & Co. KG supplies hose assemblies, rubber expansion joints and fittings for suction and discharge of fuels, chemical products and other liquids as well as ZVA nozzles, petrol pump hose and refuelling accessories for petrol stations.

Elaflex Italia s.r.l. is a 100% daughter company of the ELAFLEX Group and offers the whole range of ELAFLEX products.


Via Industriale, 28
25086 Rezzato (Brescia)
Tel.: +39.030.2496100
Fax: +39.030.2496180


Schnackenburgallee 121
22525 Hamburg / Germany
Tel.: +49 40 540 00 5-0
Fax: +49 40 540 00 5-67

C.F. P.IVA: IT 02815860172
N. 298010 R.E.A. DI Brescia
Cap. Sociale € 100.00,00 I.V.

Branch Plettenberg
Auf dem Stahl 9
58840 Plettenberg / Germany

Local Contact: Andrea Bonetti

Company office: Hamburg
Commercial register no.: HRA 90671
Amtsgericht Hamburg
VAT Identification no.: DE 187477901

Personally liable partner:
Schnackenburgallee 121
22525 Hamburg / Germany

Company office: Hamburg
Commercial register no..: HRB 64037
Amtsgericht Hamburg

Managing Directors:
Stefan Kunter, Christoph Bretthauer,
Moritz Hiby, Frank-Ulrich Szittke

General Sales Conditions

The following sales conditions are valid for all quotations, agreements and services rendered by the Company ELAFLEX ITALIA srl. Other conditions, especially purchase conditions, may become valid only if explicitly stated in writing confirmed by the Company.

  • Our quotations are free and not binding.
  • In case of an order confirmation, the stated prices are fixed; this is not valid for long-term orders or if any change in prices are explicitly communicated.
  • The delivery terms are not binding and they must be therefore considered as guiding terms. In case of circumstances of force majeure, due to anomalies of any kind, e.g. by shortage of raw materials, strikes, war or similar events occurring to any supplier of us, ELAFLEX has the right to ask for the cancellation of the contract without any claim of damages by the purchaser.
  • The minimum amount of each single order is € 100,00 excl. VAT.
  • All the shipments are carried out on behalf and at buyer’s risk, also in case of shipment with CAD payment (Cash Against Documents).
  • The goods are considered to be accepted upon consignment. The dead-line for the lodging of complaints is within 8 days as from the reception of the goods, according to Art. 1495 C.C. and it must be made in writing (also per fax) to be sent to the seller. If the goods are used, even in part, the whole quantity of the delivered goods will be considered accepted. The company ELAFLEX ITALIA srl is held responsible for the replacement of goods which do not comply with the requisites, following to damaging of the packaging or due to manufacturing defects which are not visible or which were not detected upon reception of the goods. The company ELAFLEX ITALIA srl is not held responsible if the purchaser has entrusted unskilled personnel to install, test or use the goods, or if the material is used incorrectly or for inappropriate purposes. The company ELAFLEX ITALIA srl refers to the catalogue and/or to the informative brochures as concerns the terms of guaranty of our suppliers and the proper use of the delivered goods. The goods can be returned only upon consent of the company ELAFLEX ITALIA srl, they must be brand-new, be packed in the original packages and returned free of charge.
  • The goods remain property of the company ELAFLEX ITALIA srl as long as the whole payment of the amount due and of the relevant interests has been effected.
  • In case of delay in payments, the company ELAFLEX ITALIA srl is authorized to cancel all agreements and/or pending orders and to ask a compensation for the remaining ones. All expenses relevant to the duties paid for protest proceedings, bank charges, revenue stamps, etc., are at the customer’s charge.
  • For any dispute the competent court is exclusively the Court of Brescia.

Disclaimer and Copyright


ELAFLEX HIBY can not guarantee nor be held liable that the published information is up to date, accurate or complete, either on our websites or on other websites that are referenced by hyperlink or by name. ELAFLEX HIBY can not be held responsible for the contents of these sites.
Structure contents and layout of are protected by copyright. All data shown may only be reproduced with the written consent of ELAFLEX HIBY.


The content of the website of ELAFLEX HIBY GmbH & Co. KG (structure / functionalities, texts, PDF-documents, graphics, photos and videos) underly international copyright protection rules.

Third parties may use the contents for their personal use only and do not aquire any rights to the contents, texts, images, data or programs.

Exceptions to this, e.g. Press Releases which are free for publication, are clearly marked as such on our website.

If third parties wish to publicly use or distribute contents of the ELAFLEX HIBY website, this shall be requested in written form at

Without written autorisation, the public use or distribution of our website contents will be prosecuted.

Please Note

Hypalon®, Kalrez® and Vamac® are registered trademarks of DuPont Dow Elastomers.
Viton® und Teflon® are registered trademarks of The Chemours Company.
AdBlue® is a registered trademark of VDA.