Resistance Charts Hoses
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Here you find the suitable ELAFLEX Hose

Here you find the suitable PAL-Chemical Hose
Annotation to the Resistance Chart
The chemical resistance data detailed in this chart is obtained from laboratory tests of the lining material, operational experience, technical literature as well as comparing the media with similar properties.
All data is valid for the lining of the respective hose type based on uncontaminated media being in contact with the lining. If the information is insufficient for the operator, individual tests can be arranged. The information refers only to the chemical resistance of the lining and not necessarily to the general suitability of the respective hose type i.e. food grade or liquefied gases.
The chart advises the maximum permissible temperature of the medium that the hose is capable of operating for permanent use (max. permissible temperature for short term use on request). Depending upon dynamic working stress, medium purity, frequency of media change and temperature the resistance data of the lining material may vary.
The properties of the hose lining is dependent on such factors as, flow rate, abrasion, time and frequency of exposure to the media, medium contamination and hose age.
The chart does not show the chemical resistance of the hose cover, however, basic properties such as resistance to weathering, usage, abrasion and flame resistance are given.
Based upon the raw material manufacturers technical resistance specification, data for hose fittings has been included.
Temperature Limits
ELAFLEX HIBY hoses are suitable for use up to the maximum temperature limit stated in the chart for permanent use. A permanent use with high temperatures may result in a reduction of the durability. Lower temperatures have a positive effect on the durability.
Permanent use 'DE' means long term or continuous wet hose use. Note: If the hose is continuously subjected to the maximum advised temperature, the life span of the hose will be reduced i.e. the operating temperature has an effect on the hose life. If in doubt please contact us.
The max. permissible temperature for short term use (hose emptied after use and only exposed to the media for a few hours) is available on request.
Please Note
Even with appropriate use of the hose the stated resistance data included in the chart is for guidance only and does not mean unlimited durability.
The data contained in the resistance chart is meant for guidance purposes only and does not constitute a firm recommendation. Warranty and any further liability are as stated in our terms and conditions of sale, available to you on request.
Consulting Service
If you have any queries, useful hints or wish to add to the listings in this data chart please do contact our sales offices. All advice in this chart is given to the best of our knowledge and belief. Due to the importance of the details we will confirm our recommendations in writing.
Cleaning / Steaming out
Concerning the cleaning of hoses with steam (open system) please follow the instruction detailed on the relevant data sheet within our catalogue.
Recommendations for Storing Hoses
To optimise long time service life span from a hose appropriate storing and handling is essential. We suggest to fit end caps when the hose is not in use or when stored. Hoses should be stored in the dark, free of kinks, twists or compression. Do not stack coils higher than can be done without deforming the coil at the bottom of the stack. For transportation and storing of hoses, hoses of 75mm ID and above with no helix may be rolled flat.
Specifications subject to change without notice
ELAFLEX HIBY GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg / Stand 3.2020